Our Service Aims

Unlock your business potential with expert outsourced accounting and bookkeeping services.

At Vanilla Accounting, we provide professional, trustworthy, and cost-effective outsourced accounting and bookkeeping services for small and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs) in a range of sectors of commerce and industry.

We understand the challenges that many SMEs face when managing their business accounts in-house. Our clients are ambitious and forward-thinking but often find themselves overwhelmed by the time-consuming and distracting task of handling their financial affairs without expert help. They may lack the necessary experience and knowledge to handle in-house accounting effectively and end up spending excessive amounts on full-time bookkeeping staff.

By choosing to outsource their accounts, they seek the freedom to invest their time and money in growing their business, unburdened by the complexities and time constraints of in-house accounts and bookkeeping services.

 An accountant on their laptop providing outsourced accounting
Accountants discusing how to benefit a business with outsourced accounting

At Vanilla Accounting We Aim To:

  Reduce the burden and challenges associated with in-house accounting and bookkeeping.

  Gain a thorough understanding of our clients’ business structures so we understand their unique needs and growth ambitions.

  Work in close collaboration with our clients to deliver a tailored service that meets their organisation’s needs and priorities.

  Maintain regular contact with our clients to provide well-informed, professional information and advice.

  Support our clients’ business growth by helping them to optimise their expenditure through incisive real-time reporting and achieve the best value from available tax breaks.

What Are The Benefits Of Outsourced Accounting And Bookkeeping?

So, how can outsourcing your business’s accounts to Vanilla Accounting benefit your organisation? 

Strategic Insights

Strategic Insights

At Vanilla Accounting, we can provide valuable financial insights and analysis to help you to make informed business decisions, identify cost savings, and maximise profitability.

Scalability & Flexibility

Scalability & Flexibility

Outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale accounting services according to your business’s needs. The level of support can be easily adjusted without the hassle of hiring or downsizing in-house staff.

Cost  Savings

Cost Savings

Outsourcing eliminates the need to hire and train in-house accounting staff, saving on recruitment and training expenses, while also cutting the costs associated with employee benefits, office space, equipment, and specialist software.

Unrivalled Expertise

Unrivalled Expertise 

As experienced outsourced accounting, we have detailed knowledge of accounting practices to ensure accurate financial records, compliance with regulations, and timely reporting, thereby minimising the risk of errors and penalties.

Cutting Edge Technology

Cutting Edge Technology

As we have access to advanced accounting software and tools, your SME will benefit from the latest technology without the need to invest in expensive software licences or hardware.
Compliance And Tax Support

Compliance And Tax Support

By staying up to date with changing regulations and tax laws, we will help you to remain compliant, with reliable guidance and support in tax planning, preparing tax returns, and handling compliance requirements.

Robust Data Security

Robust Data Security

As a reputable provider of outsourced accounting, we make data security a priority. Our security measures, including data encryption, secure storage, access controls, and regular backups, ensure the confidentiality and integrity of our clients’ sensitive financial information.

Focus On Your Core Business

Focus On Your Core Business

By outsourcing your accounts and bookkeeping tasks, you will be able to focus on your business’s core operations and strategic decisions. With more time dedicated to activities that drive growth and profitability, your SME will be in a more secure and competitive position.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I outsource my SME’s accounts?

Accounts can be outsourced as soon as your new business is established to ensure that your financial affairs are managed in a cost-effective and streamlined way from the outset. However, if your SME is already established and you’ve been taking care of your accounts in-house, it’s never too late to seek the expert help of an outsourced provider.

Transitioning to an outsourced model is straightforward: you can outsource your SME’s entire accounts or specific functions, depending on your business’s needs and priorities. Outsourcing is flexible, so you can build a solution that works for you.

Is outsourced accounting a more expensive option?

Outsourced accounting promises important cost savings that will deliver a quick and healthy return on investment. According to research, 70 per cent of companies prioritise cost reduction when outsourcing their businesses processes and savings can be as high as 40 per cent due to a direct reduction in payroll costs, employee benefits, and equipment expenses.

Outsourcing your accounts will also provide you with more time to strategically manage your enterprise, resulting in quicker growth and increased profits. And, because you’ll only pay for the accounting services your business needs, you’ll extract maximum financial benefits with no wastage of resources.

How can I be sure that an outsourced accounting provider will meet my SME’s needs?

Whenever you enter into a new business partnership, it’s vital to ensure that your chosen outsourced provider will provide a level of service that meets your organisation’s needs and priorities. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) between your business and your chosen accounting partner should address your SME’s goals and identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will determine the effectiveness of the arrangement, thereby ensuring that all parties understand and share expectations.

When seeking an outsourced accounting provider, check out reviews of their service and testimonials to obtain valuable insight into the quality of their support.

Is outsourced accounting more reliable than an in-house team?

Outsourced accounting offers greater reliability than an in-house accounting team for several reasons. Outsourced providers specialise in accounting and have extensive expertise in the field, so possess the necessary knowledge to ensure accuracy and compliance with financial regulations. Robust quality control measures, including multiple layers of review and reconciliation, are embedded into their processes to mitigate the risk of errors and, with access to a team of experienced professionals, knowledge gaps are less likely to occur, resulting in consistent and reliable accounting services.

How can I be sure that outsourced accounting is secure?

The security and integrity of your business’s data should always be a priority. Data theft can be catastrophic, resulting in heavy fines from industry regulators and a tarnished reputation that dissuades customers from using your services in the future.

Your chosen outsourced accounting specialist must have robust security measures in place and should be prepared to discuss your concerns with you. Staff should be professionally trained in the latest threats and best practices and be conversant with the requirements of GDPR and cybersecurity. Multiple layers of security should be thoroughly embedded into the provider’s systems and processes, including:

Secure data storage with regular disaster backups to ensure information can be recovered in a critical situation.

Data encryption to protect sensitive financial information at rest and in transit.

Access controls, including multifactor authentication and strong passwords.

Regular security audits and assessments to highlight potential security vulnerabilities.

An incident response plan to mitigate security threats as soon as they occur.

Contact Us To Find Out More

If you would like to enjoy the benefits of outsourced accounting for your SME, please download our free guide or contact us to arrange a consultation with one of our experts.

Kind Words from our Clients

Their thoughts define us

Clients come to us because they have heard some good things about us. We are therefore very thankful to those who have said the following kind words. We keep them in front of our desks and also in our minds not because we are proud of it but because it serves as a reminder of the expectations we have to meet.

clarity and

David Goddard,
Tundra Property

We appreciate Vanilla Accounting for their clarity and patience. They are professional in what they do but they don’t make us feel too bad when deadlines are approaching.


Paul King,
April King

Vanilla Accounting provided a professional service and always responded quickly to any request I may have and I have no hesitation in recommending them.

A Finance Director Function

Tom Gormanly MyDigisafe Limited

We have worked with Phil for over 10 years.  More recently he has helped us set up and provide bookkeeping and accounting services to our new businesses and he undertook a finance director ole with our previous businesses which added a lot of value.

saves me money

Anthony Epworth, Anthony Epworth Limited

I am very pleased with the service I receive and I am confident that using Vanilla Accounting saves me money.

just what we needed

Andy Davis, Neonavitas Limited

Vanilla Accounting’s service has been very good and just what we needed. Vanilla Accounting have been dealing with all our bookkeeping on Xero and the service has been very good and we have no complaints.

They are flexible

Mark Warner, Page one Pictures

I have worked with Phil and Vanilla Accounting now for over a number of years. They are flexible and work around me and my requirements as a business owner and we meet as necessary to discuss the accounts and tax position of the business and that of myself personally.

adds value to our business

Paul Bibby, Optillion Limited


Having Phil Edwards as our accountant undoubtedly adds value to our business. He is a proactive accountant acutely aware of his clients financial well-being.

& Accredited