What Is Involved In Business Growth Consultants?

Expert growth consulting that optimises your business’s success.

At Vanilla Accounting, we provide business analysis experts and assistance for small and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs) owners to improve their business’s agility, efficiency, and profitability.

Our model for improving business growth follows five key stages:

1. Where Are You Now?

The first step in the growth process is to assess the current state of your business by analysing its financial performance and operational efficiency. Our business growth consultants conduct a comprehensive evaluation based on your key financial figures of where your business is now.

Business analysis experts providing assistance for small businesses
Business Growth Consultants providing assistance for small businesses

2. Where Do You Want To Be?

Defining clear and specific growth objectives is essential, so our business growth consultants will help you to articulate your vision, goals, and aspirations. We’ll work closely with you to identify and define realistic growth targets, such as increased market share, expansion into new markets, or the launch of new products or services. By defining the destination, we’ll work together to create an achievable roadmap for your business’s growth plan.

3. What Is The Gap?

After evaluating the current business position and future goals, our consultants utilise a gap analysis to help you to understand the obstacles to growth that your SME faces. This involves assessing the differences between current and desired performance levels so that you can identify specific areas that require attention and investment.

4. Create A Growth Plan

Following the gap analysis, our consultants will support you to create a detailed plan that comprises actionable steps, strategies, and initiatives. Our consultants bring their extensive expertise and industry knowledge to develop customised solutions that are tailored to your business's unique needs and challenges. 

5. Monitor The Effectiveness Of The Plan

Implementing the growth plan is just the beginning. Our business growth consultants promote continuous monitoring, such as tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and data analysis, to measure progress against predefined goals. Detailed monitoring of the plan's effectiveness enables you to stay on track and make informed decisions based on real-time data and feedback.

Business Growth Consultants Providing Assistance For Small Businesses

How Our Business Growth Consultants Can Eradicate Your Organisation’s Pain Points

Our business growth consultants play a crucial role in eradicating SMEs’ common pain points by providing valuable insights, strategies, and expertise that can help them to thrive, even in challenging economic circumstances.

Support Your Business To Grow

Business growth consultants are designed to help SMEs to achieve sustainable growth. Our experienced consultants will:

  Analyse the current state of your business using a detailed gap analysis.

  Identify areas for improvement to enhance your business’s efficiency and productivity.

  Develop tailored growth strategies that are ambitious yet achievable.

By leveraging the expertise of our business growth consultants, your SME can overcome some of the most common obstacles, optimise its operations, and unlock growth potential.

Discover And Adopt New Approaches

When Albert Einstein famously said, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,’ he was highlighting the importance of innovation and adaptation. Our growth consultants bring new ideas, best practices, and innovative strategies to the table to challenge the status quo and help our clients to inject fresh perspectives into their business. By encouraging clients to explore new approaches, they help break down stagnant patterns and drive positive change.

Be Challenged To Do Things Differently

Our business growth consultants are catalysts for change. By working in partnership with business owners, they challenge them to think laterally, aim higher, and expand their boundaries. Our clients are encouraged to set ambitious goals, embrace new opportunities, and step out of their comfort zones, knowing that expert support and guidance are on-hand to ensure that decisions are calculated and free from risk.

Make Better Use Of Your Limited Time With Business Growth Consultants

Make Better Use Of Your Limited Time

Running a business involves juggling numerous responsibilities which can be overwhelming for owners of SMEs who have limited time and resources. Our consultants can reduce the burden by taking on specific tasks and projects related to growth strategies, to give you the time to focus on other critical aspects of your business operations. By delegating this work to our consultants, you’ll be able to redefine your priorities, make informed decisions, and drive the growth of your business more effectively.

What Are The Benefits Of Our Business Growth Consultancy?

Work With An Expert In Financial Data Analysis

Work With An Expert In Financial Data Analysis

With expertise in analysing data and understanding key metrics, our growth consultants will help you to make sense of complex financial information and translate it into meaningful insights.

A Jargon-Free    Approach

A Jargon-Free    Approach

We’ll explain your financial position in simple, easy-to-understand language, free from overwhelming jargon. We’ll ensure that we communicate with you in a way that is relevant and meaningful to your business to improve your ability to implement effective growth strategies.

Regular Communication

Regular    Communication

By maintaining regular communication with you, our growth consultants ensure they remain updated on your SME’s progress, challenges, and goals, so they can provide you with timely advice, address concerns, and make adjustments to the growth plan when needed. And, if you have any concerns or queries, you are welcome to give us a call at any time.

A Trusted Partner

A Trusted                  Partner

Our business consultants provide guidance and support throughout the growth journey. As we understand the challenges facing SME owners, we can help you to navigate any obstacles and ensure you stay in control of your growth plan. Above all, we offer a fresh perspective that is underpinned by our industry experience, so you can be confident that our advice is impartial, measured, and honest.

Call Now To Book A Free Consultation!

At Vanilla Accounting, we offer a free gap analysis to help you to understand how your business is performing and whether its objectives are being met. To arrange your business’s gap analysis or a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our experts, please get in touch today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes your business growth consultancy service different?

At Vanilla Accounting, we understand that running a business can be challenging at the best of times, so our approach is based on utilising the extensive combined experience of our team to devise achievable solutions for your business. Our research, data analysis, and plans are presented in easy-to-understand terms that won’t cause confusion, with value creation at the heart of our consultancy. 

Where are you based?

Our office is in West Bridgford, Nottingham, but we are happy to work with clients anywhere in the UK via video conferencing and phone.

How much do your services cost?

The cost of our business growth consultancy depends on several factors, such as the scope and duration of the project. We operate a fixed fees system, so you will understand how much you’ll pay and won’t be faced with unexpected charges for which you haven’t budgeted.

Kind Words from our Clients

Their thoughts define us

Clients come to us because they have heard some good things about us. We are therefore very thankful to those who have said the following kind words. We keep them in front of our desks and also in our minds not because we are proud of it but because it serves as a reminder of the expectations we have to meet.

clarity and

David Goddard,
Tundra Property

We appreciate Vanilla Accounting for their clarity and patience. They are professional in what they do but they don’t make us feel too bad when deadlines are approaching.


Paul King,
April King

Vanilla Accounting provided a professional service and always responded quickly to any request I may have and I have no hesitation in recommending them.

A Finance Director Function

Tom Gormanly MyDigisafe Limited

We have worked with Phil for over 10 years.  More recently he has helped us set up and provide bookkeeping and accounting services to our new businesses and he undertook a finance director ole with our previous businesses which added a lot of value.

saves me money

Anthony Epworth, Anthony Epworth Limited

I am very pleased with the service I receive and I am confident that using Vanilla Accounting saves me money.

just what we needed

Andy Davis, Neonavitas Limited

Vanilla Accounting’s service has been very good and just what we needed. Vanilla Accounting have been dealing with all our bookkeeping on Xero and the service has been very good and we have no complaints.

They are flexible

Mark Warner, Page one Pictures

I have worked with Phil and Vanilla Accounting now for over a number of years. They are flexible and work around me and my requirements as a business owner and we meet as necessary to discuss the accounts and tax position of the business and that of myself personally.

adds value to our business

Paul Bibby, Optillion Limited


Having Phil Edwards as our accountant undoubtedly adds value to our business. He is a proactive accountant acutely aware of his clients financial well-being.

& Accredited